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About the Journal

Asian Journal of Religion and Society (AJRS) is a journal published by the Korean Association for the Sociology of Religion. The journal was launched in 2012 and is published bi-annually in January and July 20. The journal was certified as a Korea Citation Index (KCI) journal in 2020.

Submission Guidelines

Article 1 (Purpose)

The purpose of this guideline is to establish the necessary objectives for the submission process of the ‘The Asian Journal of Religion and Society’ published by the ‘Korean Association for the Sociology of Religion.’

Article 2 (Manuscript Content)

The manuscript content should be limited to topics related to the social sciences, should not be either published in or submitted for review in any other journal.

Article 3 (Manuscript submission)

1. This journal is published twice a year, on the 20th of January and the 20th of July. The submission deadline date is set to the 20th of November and the 20th of May. Submissions should be posted in the form of file on the AJRS of the KARS website ( With the manuscript, personal information should be included, written on a separate cover letter.

2. The submitted manuscript should follow the guidelines that the ‘Korean Association for the Sociology of Religion.’ has provided concerning the abstract, references etc. If not followed, the manuscript will be returned without exceptions.

3. A review fee of 40,000 KRW must be paid upon manuscript submission. If the manuscript undergoes an additional review process, an additional review fee may be required. Once the manuscript is accepted for publication, the author must pay the annual membership fee and the publication fee. The payment details are as follows:

- Annual Membership Fee: 50,000 KRW for full-time faculty / 30,000 KRW for non-full-time faculty / 20,000 KRW for students
- Review Fee: 40,000 KRW
- Publication Fee: 100,000 KRW for full-time faculty / No fee for non-full-time faculty / 500,000 KRW for papers funded by research grants
- Bank Account for Payment: SHINHAN BANK 110-511-696508 (KIM MIN AH)
- Bank Address: 20, SEJONG-DAERO 9-GIL, JUNG-GU, SEOUL, SOUTH KOREA (Postal Code: 04513)

Article 4 (Manuscript Preparation)

  1. The manuscript should follow the ‘Instructions for Authors.’
  2. Manuscripts submitted to the journal will be reviewed by the committee, and if the review board requests additional revision, the applicant must accept it or supply a viable response.
  3. If the review board deems the manuscript to be unqualified or if there is no response to the request for additional revision, the committee can decline the publication of the manuscript.
  4. The review board will decide on the process and the result of whether the manuscript will be accepted for publication through thorough deliberation with the examiners.

Article 5 (Publication of the Manuscript)

  1. The full version of the manuscripts that have received final acceptance to the journal will be posted on the internet homepage of the ‘Korean Association for the Sociology of Religion,’ as well as the journal (‘The Asian Journal of Religion and Society’).
  2. The copyright of the manuscript is also owned by the ‘Korean Association for the Sociology of Religion.’

Research Ethics

Article 1 (Fundamental principles to research ethics)

  1. Submissions should solely be the applicant’s own work and, and maintain the integrity of sociological inquiry as a discipline.
  2. The applicant should ensure that the contributors who have made substantive intellectual contributions to the paper are given credit and should be fully aware of the degree of seriousness in the consequence in the case of misconduct.
  3. The applicant should publish and promote the results of the sociological research including making data available for the use of researchers in the future.
  4. There is a need for applicants to consider the effects and consequences of their study for those they study and other related parties.
  5. Researchers should not engage in discrimination in their work based on age; gender; race; ethnicity; national origin; religion; sexual orientation; disability; health conditions; marital, domestic, or parental status; or any other applicable basis proscribed by law.
  6. The exploitation of persons in direct or indirect supervisory, authority or other evaluative positions such as students, supervisees, employees, or research participants is strongly prohibited.

Article 2 (Responsibilities)

  1. Social research encompasses personal and moral relationships that include individuals, households, social groups or corporate entities.
  2. Research does not, of itself, provide an entitlement to override the rights of others.
  3. Researchers have a responsibility to ensure the well-being of research participants. They should strive to protect the rights, interests, privacy of those they study.

Article 3 (Research misconduct)

Research misconduct includes the actions concerning data fabrication, data falsification, plagiarism, unjust acknowledgement of contribution in all levels of the research process.

  1. ‘Data Fabrication’ means making up results and recording or reporting them.
  2. ‘Data falsification’ means not only manipulating research material, equipment or processes, but also changing or omitting data or results in a way so that the research is not accurately represented in the research record.
  3. ‘Plagiarism’ means appropriating another person's ideas, results without giving appropriate credit or citation(s).
  4. ‘Unjust acknowledgement of contribution’ means not listing authorship of those who have made substantial contributions to the research or including the conferring authorship on those that have not made substantial contributions to the research.

Article 4 (Responsibilities of Reviewers)

  1. In the process of reviewing submissions reviewers must respect the confidentiality of the process and the proprietary rights in such information of those who submitted it.
  2. Reviewers must close conflicts of interest or decline requests for reviews of those where conflicts of interest are involved.
  3. In the case where the reviewing process may be biased or the integrity is questionable, reviewers have the right to decline requests.

Article 5 (Restrictions)

  1. Manuscripts that have already been published, or in the review level of another journal, or correspond to any article in part will not be valid for publication.
  2. Submission of the manuscript to a second publication is allowed only after an official decision has been made is from the journal or until the manuscript is withdrawn.
  3. Duplicate publication of data (the publication of data and finding previously published elsewhere) is not allowed.
  4. Researchers must ensure that confidential and sensitive information obtained in research, teaching, practice, and service is protected.
  5. Where there is uncertainty regarding whether a particular action or situation violates the research ethics, a consultation with the board of reviewers is strongly recommended.

March 3, 2012
Korean Association for the Sociology of Religion