Publication         Aims and Scope

Aims and Scope

Asian Journal of Religion and Society (AJRS) aims to be the leading interdisciplinary journal devoted to the analysis of various aspects of religion from the perspectives of social science, including sociology, political science, psychology, and anthropology. The Journal welcomes contributions from established scholars and early career researchers who are conducting original research on any aspect of religion, empirical or theoretical. The Journal will also entertain proposals for ‘special thematic issues.’ Proposals for special issues are considered by the editors on a regular basis and the proposals should clearly explain how the topic or theme fits with the aims and scope of AJRS. Responsibilities for reviewing the manuscripts and making final editorial decisions remain with the journal’s editorial board.

Regulations for Review

Article 1 (Statement of purpose)

This regulation was made in order to show the necessary requirements concerning the review of the ‘Asian Journal of Religion and Society’ published by the ‘Korean Association for the Sociology of Religion.’

Article 2 (Range of application)

All publication derived from this association will also follow the regulations thereby written in this statement. The editorial board will have the authority to determine matters not stated in the regulation.

Article 3 (Reviewers)

  1. Peer Review Policy:
    Manuscripts accepted for consideration by the journal are sent out to two or more anonymous referees for peer review. A panel of reviewers needs to be appointed in the process of review. The review process can take up to two months.
  2. The reviewer has to be a good standing member of the KASR (Korean Association for the Sociology of Religion), or considered an ‘expert’ in the field, who encompasses the following qualifications.
    1. A doctoral degree in the field related to the manuscript.
    2. Possesses research experience of five years or more in the field related to the manuscript.
    3. Has been appointed as a reviewer from the editorial board, hence deemed to have equivalent qualifications to the categories stated in the former statement.

Article 4 (Examiner’s fee)

A small fee of compensation will be given to the reviewer.

Article 5 (Criteria for review)

All review of manuscripts should follow the following criteria.

  1. Initial screening
    1. The initial screening process is done by the panel of reviewers.
    2. The reviewers have to state the reason for: ‘accept without revision,’ ‘accept with revision,’ ‘review again after revision,’ and ‘decline.’
    3. The initial screening process should use the annexed additional form.
  2. Second review
    1. The editorial board will take part in the second review.
    2. The editorial board will decide on the final acceptance in reference to the information from the initial screening.
    3. If needed, the editorial board can request a re-examination to the panel of reviewers.

Article 6 (Decision/Notification)

  1. The following further expands on the meaning of the review results.
    1. ‘Accept without revision’:
      The manuscript was passed with common assent, and there is no need for further revision.
    2. ‘Accept with revision’:
      There is a need for minor revision. In this case, even if the revision request is from a single reviewer, revision is necessary.
    3. ‘Review again with revision’:
      In this case, there are major parts in need of revision, and more than 1/2 of the reviewers from the panel have requested revision.
    4. ‘Reject’:
      The manuscript has been determined to have flaws in originality, flow of logic or methodology, in the extent that makes acceptance impossible. In this case, more than 1/2 of the panel of reviewers has made this conclusion.
  2. On the results of the initial screening
    1. If the manuscript had received an ‘Accept with revision,’ but after the revision the reviewer gave a ‘Reject,’ the editorial board will look over the reason for rejection during the final screening process.
    2. A manuscript that had received reexamination cannot be published in the current issue until it receives at least an ‘Accept with revision’ from the reviewer.
  3. The editor in chief should gather all of the results and decide according to the 6th article, and should notify the results to the applicant on the annexed additional form.

Article7 (Request for re-examination)

  1. The applicant can request re-examination in receiving a ‘reject.’
  2. In this case, the board of editors may appoint three reviewers (different from the former) to re-examine the manuscript.
  3. If more than 1/2 of the reviewers ‘Reject,’ it cannot be published.

Article 8 (Submission)

  1. The submission processes should be done publically. In case of a special edition, the chief editor can deem a different process necessary.
  2. The submission date deadline is 2 months before the publication.
  3. The additional public application guidelines in article 1 are chosen by the editor in chief.

Article 9 (Manuscript submission and format guidelines)

The submission guidelines and guidelines to the format is chosen by the editorial chief.

Article 10 (Journal publication)

The Asian Journal of Religion and Society (AJRS) is published in January 20 and July 20.

Article 11 (Publication rights)

The Korean Association for the Sociology of Religion acquires sole and exclusive license for all published content on The Asian Journal of Religion and Society (AJRS).