Please follow these guidelines when you prepare your manuscript for submission. Manuscripts which do not conform to these guidelines will not be reviewed. If you have any further queries regarding submitting a paper to AJRS, please contact
Authors can create an account and log in to submit a manuscript. Manuscripts submitted to AJRS are processed electronically and authors will need to upload the following separate files:
- Cover Letter:
Please provide complete contact information for the author (name, affiliation, office or home address, phone and e-mail), the manuscript title, and any other important and relevant information (acknowledgements). In the case of multiple authors, please identify the first author and the corresponding author. Also, short biographies, a four to five-line biographical paragraph describing each author’s research areas, academic interest, and recent publications, should appear on the cover letter.
- Blinded Manuscript:
A full manuscript should include the manuscript title, abstract, keywords, main text, and references, but please remove the author name(s) and institution(s) as well as any information that discloses the authors’ identities.
- Length
The total word of manuscripts should be 7,000-10,000 words including abstract and footnotes. If the page number is more than 10,000 words, the length of the paper can be adjusted by the editor(s) of the journal in the process of edition.
Manuscripts may be in the form of review essays or commentaries (3,000 words), or book reviews (1,000 words).
- Style
Manuscripts should be typed double-spaced throughout, including abstracts, footnotes, long quotations and references.
All the section headings should be designated by Roman numerals (I, II, III...), be capitalized and be in bold; subheadings should be designated by numerals (1, 2, 3…) and be in bold with the first letter of each word capitalized only; and sub-subheadings should be designated by alphabets (a, b, c…) and be italicized.
The article should be submitted in MS Word (.doc or .docx) or hwp file. The pdf file is not allowed.
- Language
English is the official language of the journal, but any language is also permitted. In case of any other language than English, it has to be written along with English in a bracket at first time.
- Content
- Abstract: All manuscript must be accompanied by an abstract of about 100-200 words describing the aims, methods, findings and conclusions of the study.
- Keywords: A list of up to eight key words, expressing the precise content of the manuscript, should appear directly below the abstract.
- Quotation Style
The quotation style of the journal follows the style of Chicago Manual of Style (17th edition): author-date version. All references are to be identified at the appropriate point in the text by last name of author, year of publication, and pagination where appropriate, all within parentheses.
- When author’s name is in the text: Chan (1999). When author’s name is not in text: (Wright, 1989).
- Pagination follows year of publication: (Lee, 2001: 35-36).
- For more than three authors, use “et al.”
- With more than one reference to an author in the same year, distinguish them by use of letters (a, b) attached to the year of publication: (Smith, 2000a).
- Enclose a series of references with a single pair of parentheses, separated by semicolons: (Chan, 1999; Wright, 1989; Lee, 2001; Smith, 2000a).
- For newspaper and magazine articles, cite the name of the journalist, followed by year: (Kevin, 1987). If the journalist's name is unavailable, include the article title and the year of publication instead. The article title can be abbreviated: (“Electric Vehicles,” 2023).
- Footnotes are to be used only for substantive observations. Footnotes should be used limitedly and briefly. They should be numbered in the text consecutively using superscript Arabic numerals.
Please see,
- Figures and Tables
- Tables and figures should include serial numbers, and the tables should be labeled with ‘< >’ brackets, and the artwork with ‘[ ]’ brackets.
- The title for the tables should be on the top of the table, and the title for the figures on the bottom of the figure.
- The tables and figures should be perfectly assorted and drawn by the author for it to be finely printed.
- If there are additional signs or diagrams included in the tables and figures, the parts should be included inside the tables and figures and be included in the manuscript itself.
- References
All references cited in the text must be listed in the “References” section, and vice versa. It is the author’s responsibility to ensure that publication information for each entry is complete and correct. References should be double-spaced and should appear in the same style and sized font as the rest of the text. They should be listed in alphabetical order by first authors’ last names. Include first names and surnames for all authors; use first-name initials only if an author used initials in the original publication.
Books: Author1 (last name inverted), Author2 (last name not inverted), and Author3. Year of publication. Name of Publication (italicized). Location of publisher: Publisher’s Name.
Baker, Donald. 2008. Korean Spirituality. Honolulu: Hawaii University Press.
Yang, Fenggang, Francis Jae-ryong Song, and Sakurai Yoshihide. 2019. Religiosity, Secularity and Pluralism in the Global East. Basel: MDPI AG.
Chapters in Books
Ku, Wei-ying. 2017. “Catholic Church in Taiwan during the Japanese Occupation.” Francis K. H. So, Beatrice Leung, and Ellen Mary Mylod (eds.). The Catholic Church in Taiwan: Birth, Growth and Development. New York: Palgrave Macmillan.
Journal Articles: Author1 (last name inverted), Author2 (last name not inverted), and Author3. Year of publication. “Title of Article.” Name of Publication (italicized) Volume Number (Issue Number): Page numbers.
Horvat, Erin M., Elliot B. Weininger, and Annette Lareau. 2003. “From Social Ties to Social Capital: Class Differences in the Relations Between Schools and Parent Networks.” American Educational Research Journal 40(2): 319-351.
LeFebvre, Jesse R. 2015. “Christian Wedding Ceremonies: ‘Nonreligiousness’ in Contemporary Japan.” Japanese Journal of Religious Studies 42(2): 185-203.
Internet Resources follow the same pattern and the URL and date of access are included.
Cheo, Sang-Hun. 2019. “The Populist Pastor Leading a Conservative Revival in South Korea.” New York Times November 8. (Retrieved on January 5, 2020).
Schafer, Daniel W. and Fred L. Ramsey. 2003. “Teaching the Craft of Data Analysis.” Journal of Statistics Education 11(1): 30-59. (Retrieved on December 12, 2006).
“Electric Vehicles.” 2023. Climate Portal July 24. (Retrieved on November 30, 2023).