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저널 8-2호 논문 모집 안내

작성자 : 관리자
조회수 : 2684

Call for Papers:

Asian Journal of Religion and Society (AJRS)

You are invited to submit a paper for possible inclusion in the Asian Journal of Religion and Society issued by the Korean Association for the Sociology of Religion (KASR). This issue aims to provide a platform for researchers and practitioners to present new research and developments in the area of the Sociology of Religion. Areas of interest for this journal issue include, but are not limited to, the following topics: the conflict and reconciliation between different religions, cooperation and competition, current social issues and religion etc. We welcome papers on any related topics.

Authors of accepted papers may be invited to present their work at upcoming conferences held by the Korean Association for the Sociology of Religion. In addition, the papers will be published in 2020 summer issue of the Asian Journal of Religion and Society, and on the KASR website. Both KASR members and non-members are invited to submit papers.

Deadline for Submissions

Timely submission of the papers is critical to the success of the publication. The procedures and timetable enumerated below will apply.

By 2020, June 29, authors should submit their papers. The paper should include a title, name of author, the text, references etc.(*refer to the KASR website for additional guidelines) Authors must include their contact information, and manuscripts should be submitted via the KASR website submission system (

Notification of Results

According to ‘Article 6 (Decision/Notification)of the Regulations for Review and Publication of the AJRS(, decision results will be notified in the following terms. Following are the meaning of the terms.


Acceptance Criteria

Manuscripts will be sorted by the following criteria.

1. Originality of ideas

2. Clarity of presentation

3. Thorough review of literature

Submission Guidelines

Papers must follow the guidelines in the Journal Format of the AJRS on the KASR website. Additional guidance concerning the Editorial Board , and Research Ethics is also available on the KASR website.

We look forward to receiving manuscripts in response to the call, and will be happy to respond to inquiries from interested parties. If you have any questions, please contact the Associate Editor via e-mail Your participation in this effort to produce new papers will contribute to the written body of knowledge in the area of the Sociology of Religion.


한국종교사회학회 저널 Asian Journal of Religion and Society의 논문 투고에 대해 다음과 같이 알려드립니다.


1. 2020720일 발행될 Asian Journal of Religion and Society 8-2호의 투고 마감일은 2020629입니다.


2. 한국종교사회학회 홈페이지 투고 시스템을 통해 투고해주시면 됩니다.

투고 페이지 주소:


3. 논문 작성 규정은 한국종교사회학회 홈페이지 투고 규정을 참고해주시기 바랍니다.

논문 작성 규정:


4. Asian Journal of Religion and Society 8-2호부터 논문 작성 언어를 영어와 한국어 개정 및 적용하였습니다.  


5.  Asian Journal of Religion and Society 8-2호부터 심사료와 게재료를 다음과 같이 개정 및 적용하였습니다.

1) 심사료: 4만원

2) 게재료: 비전임 없음, 전임 10만원, 연구비 지원 30만원 (경우에 따라 추가될 수 있음)


문의사항이 있으시면 편집위원 김민아(에게 연락주십시오. 여러 선생님들의 적극적인 참여와 관심을 부탁드립니다.


한국종교사회학회 편집위원회 드림
